Tim Hetu Tim Hetu

Why Should You Hire A Landscaper

Aside from the interior of the house, it is also important that the exterior is well taken care of. Like other parts of the house, it also needs to fit the needs of the family using it and the design preference of the owner.

A good landscape design has a great impact to a home. It increases the value of a property and also allows us to do outdoor activities. But landscaping isn’t as simple as you think it is. It isn’t just about planting or adding some stones or walkways. There are other things that you need to consider for your home’s landscape.

So the question is, who will do the landscaping? Is it you and your family or do you hire someone to do it for you? If you decide to hire, are you going to hire those that are into gardening or professional landscapers? If you will ask me, a professional landscaper would be best because of these important reasons which we have down below.

🌱 Professional Service -

If you hire a landscaper, you are ensured of the quality of the work. These people are experts on the said field and have studied well about it. Because of this, you are guaranteed that you will get a realistic insight into the project.

You will also be ensured that you will get the landscape design that you want.

🌳 Time Saving -

If you are a busy person, you may not be able to work on your landscape because it would require a lot of time. This happens especially if you are not highly skilled. But if you just hire a landscaper, you will merely sit and watch the work progress.

You can even spend time to do other things you love while watching your landscape transform beautifully.

🌼 Getting the right plants -

This part might be easy if you are into gardening, but landscapers could help you choose the right plants for your area because they have extensive knowledge about plants.

They consider not just the type of plants that thrive in your place but also those that are suited to your landscape needs and aesthetics.

🍃 Less problems and disorder -

Well, I am not saying that things will be in a mess if you do it by yourself but there is a high chance of that happening especially if you are not an expert.

It might appear like you were just playing with your landscape if there isn’t good planning and proper landscape execution. Landscapers also have that technique to keep mess to a minimum and remove whatever disruptions that exist.

🌿 Project management -

One of the advantages of hiring a landscaper is project management because you don’t need to worry about the work at all since the landscaper will do that.

You will be assured that the professional will be watching the project closely and you don’t need to pay another person to do that for you.

🌲 Expert advice -

You will be surprised that you still have a lot of things to study about your surroundings once you talk to a landscaper.

There are things that they know that will help you improve it. For instance, they can give you tips on how to lesser soil erosion if your home is located on a steep slope. They can help you get not just a beautiful outdoor area but also the kind that is safe and functional.

🍂 Good quality and high standards -

The landscaper will surely give their best to a project because their reputation relies on the output. Because of this, you are assured that the work has good quality because of the high standards of the landscaper.

Also, you are sure that your dream landscape will be achieved without any trouble and worries on your part.

I know you worry about the cost. Don’t be bothered that much because you can ask for quotations before you start the work. This way, you will have an idea of how much you will be spending. Also, be reminded that the more demands you have for the project, the higher will be the cost. But if you have a simple landscape, the cost would be lower. So, before you decide to refuse the services of a landscaper, weigh things properly and go back to what we have mentioned above. 

Getting a professional isn’t really bad after all.

Source: Home Design Lover

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Lawn Tim Hetu Lawn Tim Hetu

How to Boost Your Home’s Value with a Beautiful Lawn

Here are some of the top lawn care and landscaping projects you can take on to add value to your home:

Lawn Care Projects

  • Fertilization: The key to keeping your lawn healthy and green is regular fertilization with nutrient-rich materials. In particular, your lawn needs a steady diet of nitrogen, which fertilizer provides. Without it, your lawn is vulnerable to weeds, disease and dead grass. Because of its low cost and visual appeal, fertilization often has the highest ROI of any lawn improvement project.

  • Regular and Proper Watering: Water your grass three times per week (this includes rainfall).

The most effective time to water is generally morning when you will lose the smallest amount of water to wind drift and evaporation. Keep in mind that too much water interferes with healthy grass growth and makes the lawn susceptible to pests and diseases.

  • Regular and Proper Mowing: Take the time to learn how often and under what conditions your lawn should be mowed to keep your lawn at its healthiest. For example, knowing the ideal cutting height for the type of grass you have is very important. Keeping the height in check also means you’re clipping off weed seed heads before they can mature and seed your lawn.

  • Weed Control: You want to be able to enjoy your lush, green lawn, without unsightly weeds taking up your view and eating up your lawn’s nutrients. However, one size does not fit all when it comes to weed prevention and removal. You need to know what type of weeds you’re battling, and whether they are annual or perennial. Annual weeds can grow multiple times in one year, while perennial weeds establish roots in your lawn and can last for multiple seasons. Perennials need to be removed entirely, including the full roots, or they will just keep on growing.

Landscaping Projects

  • Outdoor Lighting: Few landscaping projects can have as big an impact as installing outdoor lights. Easy to install, low in cost, and pleasing to the eye, outdoor lighting has been named “essential” by 41% of homebuyers in a recent survey.

  • Trees & Shrubs: Trees and shrubs play a major part in your home’s curb appeal. They also add value to your home in a number of other ways, including protecting your lawn from storm runoff and reducing your home’s energy costs by providing shade.

  • Front Garden: A well-kept garden is a great way to beautify your home. While some gardens can be costly and time-consuming to maintain, a good landscaper or garden center can help you choose native plants that can be maintained with little work and at a low cost.

And don’t forget mosquito control! Mosquitoes can be a major turnoff for potential buyers. No one wants to buy a home that appears to be swarming with mosquitoes – for both comfort and health reasons. One simple task you can do to help reduce the mosquito population on your property is to empty receptacles of standing water and be vigilant about dumping any standing water every few days.

Source: Lawn Doctor

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